Why Re-starting Your Fitness Journey is a Strength, Not a Failure.

Starting over is hard. Whether it’s your first attempt or your fifth, there’s always that nagging voice: “Why couldn’t I just stick with it?”. But here’s the truth: life happens. Jobs, family, exhaustion, self-doubt…they’re all part of the journey.

What matters most is not how many times you’ve had to re-start but that you’ve chosen to begin again. To put yourself first again. And that is a STRENGTH, not a failure.

In this post, we’ll explore why re-starting your fitness journey is empowering, how to do it with confidence and why starting small can make all the difference.

My Fitness Journey: From Burnout to Breakthrough

I’ve started over more times than I can count.

In my teens and early twenties, fitness was effortless. As a regional hockey player, it was just part of life. But when I left University and entered the real world, everything changed. I stopped playing, and for ten years (yes, ten years), I drifted. A sporadic run here, a random workout there and at most, a consistent stretch for a few months - but nothing really stuck.

Then came the pandemic. At home with a three month old, I craved an escape. Some time just for me. I found it in HIIT workouts in my kitchen and discovered dumbells for the first time. I picked up running again. I started to feel strong, confident… me again?? My 5k PB time still stands from this period in March 2021.

But life intervened again. When I became pregnant with twins, exercise took a backseat, once again. I was desperately disappointed with myself. How could I let it go again? Then a year later, back at work, I faced the most challenging period of my life - culminating in burnout and poor mental health.

Starting over felt IMPOSSIBLE - but in that darkness, I rediscovered fitness - not as a chore or an obligation, but as a way to prioritise myself, rebuild my confidence and find happiness again.

Why Starting Small is the Key to Success

Restarting doesn’t have to mean jumping straight into a grueling gym routine or signing up for a marathon. In fact, trying to do too much at once is one of the biggest reasons people give up.

The key? Start small.

Research also backs this up. Studies have shown that setting small, achievable goals significantly increases the likelihood of sticking with an exercise routine. This is why programmes like Couch to 5k are so effective - they focus on gradual progress, making even the smallest steps feel like a win.

How to Restart Your Fitness Journey

  1. Set Micro-Goals: Forget the half marathon finish line for now. Start with 30seconds of running. Then do it again. And give yourself a HUGE pat on the back. You showed up and did it. Then do it again. and again. and again. Build from there.

  2. Enjoy the Build: Ask yourself: Does this make me feel good? Am I enjoying this in the moment? Am I just doing it because everyone says I should do it or am I actually enjoying the process?

  3. Schedule your Workouts the day before: Treat them like a non-negotiable meeting with yourself - because you are worth showing up for.

  4. Focus on you - This is YOUR journey. No-one else’s. Try not to compare yourself to others (I know its hard). Just keep taking those small steps forward and when you look back in a few months time, you’ll be surprised how much they’ve added up.

A Journey Worth Re-Starting

Every time you start over, you’re giving yourself the chance to grow. To feel stronger. To reconnect with who you are and what you’re capable of.

So if you’re hesitating, let this be your sign. Start small, be kind to yourself and just start. And if it still doesn’t feel like the right time, that’s ok too. Cut yourself some slack. It will come. You don’t need to have it all figured out - just take the next step.

Every restart is a powerful act of self love.

Ready to take the next step?